“The Beauty and Spirit of Washington Island,” the opening show at the Art and Nature Center, features the oil paintings of artist Sonja Noonan. Through this show, Sonja leads one on a journey through various idyllic landscapes of the Island. She wonderfully captures the hushed silence of a walk through Coffee Swamp woods as experienced during several seasons. Other paintings lead you through farm fields, and various lake scenes, to intimate encounters with monarchs, wildflowers, seed-pods and a leaf in winter.
Sonja retired to Washington Island full time in 2004. She graduated with a major in art from DePauw University in Greencastle, North Carolina, and has taken classes and private lessons from the Art Institute in Chicago, IL. Sonja has also taught private art classes, art classes through the park district, and classes for adults and children in Indiana and Illinois. Sonja also has private commissioned works in Illinois and Indiana. Having retired to the Island, Sonja devotes herself to capturing the “beauty and spirit” of Washington Island.
“The Beauty and Spirit of Washington Island” will be on display into the first week of August 2011, along with the work of our many talented Island artists.
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